Use What You Got
An ecosystem is a large community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in a particular area. The living and physical components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows. Ecosystems are of any size, but usually they are in particular places. Come find out how this applies to creatives, and truly what God meant when He placed us, where He placed us. The environment for the creative is not just in the 4 walls of a church, but expands beyond, and within…all while leaving traces of the Kingdom, from which we come from.
Music Business 101:
Learn The Culture
It’s too hard they say, no one supports us we say…but do YOU really understand what you have signed up for creatives. Learn what it means to be in the forefront, and behind the scenes as it relates to Music Business. This is a great session for artists, aspiring managers, PR, and anyone looking to learn the business of Music.
Next Level Visuals:
Mastering Storytelling
What can make or break a great song, product, or promotions? Horrible visuals. Well you might say, its expensive to capture what I envision, you most likely are right!!! LOL. Come learn what it takes to get your visuals to the next level, building your team, and getting direction down the right path. Whether your budget is shoestring, or Hollywood, this session is one not to miss.
Momma I Made it:
I’m booked, Now What?
So you are getting booked, your buzzing a little bit, and demand is leaning towards an increase…but what comes with being in demand? What systems do you have in place, how’s your attitude? Hear from one of show business’ rising stars, who’s played roles in the TV sitcom Black Lightning, Tupacs “All Eyez on Me,” and the latest reboot of the infamous SHAFT starring Samuel Jackson.
Branding for Creatives:
Organic vs. Trendy
I need to keep up with the latest design trends, if my marketing doesnt look like the greats then I am subpar, and mediocre. Should I lose my aesthetic that make me unique, or should be the oddball and hold true to my own standard? There’s a balance to this, and who else better to explain than one who is working with a myriad of top Gospel clientele, and industry greats. Come learn when to be trendy, when to be organic, and how to approach the balance beam of doing it right, but not losing out on what makes you, you!!!!
P.S. you have no feet in the game, if you have no Hi Res Headshots….
Funding Your Vision:
Don’t Waste the Drama
Funding your vision, financially, and just pouring energy into it alone, can be draining…but the process that comes with the draining…adds to the story of why you are meant to be doing, what you are doing. We all don’t have investors and support knocking down our door, but what do you have…most creatives forget, that if no one is investing in you…bare minimum, you need to be investing in you. It can seem hard, but we’re artists, hard helps make our story interesting. In this session, listen to a man who understands the process to a tee, and hear some secrets and how to’s directly from a thriving playwright. If you’re looking to get into acting, singing, developing a stage play, or wondering how do I get this vision I have off the ground…this session will do you good.
Social Media 101:
Using It the Right Way
In a world where social media has become so saturated and used by people from all walks of life, its become part of our daily routine, wake up, take a shower, brush teeth, and oh yea check social media. But how many of us are doing it the right way, especially in artistry, and business, even ministry. There’s nothing wrong with seeing the adorable pups, or your favorite selfie while waiting in line for this years real life action film “Lion King,” but does it fit with the message of your brand, are you organized, if someone random saw your page, what will they assume….
Anyone, at any level in branding, or pursuing purpose..can benefit in this session.
Panel - Millennial Entrepreneurs Fire-Side Chat with Mrs. KeKe
Two snaps, tea, and a heyyyyyy!!!! Will always break the ice while sitting next to Mrs. KeKe. This panel will be a dialogue, Q&A, laughter and conversation amongst peers on how they got started, relationships while pursuing purpose, and just seeing where the convo flows. Definitely will feel like a gathering of friends down at the local coffee shop. Don’t miss this, read up on the speakers, or what you want to ask, and bring your questions..there will be a time where you can submit them live.
From Dirt to Destiny
The thing about the process of a plant growing…is that it doesn’t just include blossoming in beauty, it also sits in dirt. You can’t have one without the other. Everyone’s dirt, life experiences, growing paths are different, but we all need it to grow. This session is for all creatives and entrepreneurs, who were shamed or disappointed with their process, come be encouraged to keep growing, and learn the pieces that make up our process to be great.